On the road

We are taking a road trip.
We are driving from Berlin to Salzburg, Austria.
From Salzburg we will drive to just outside of Venice, stay the night and end up in Fabriano Italy for the IAMPA international congress.
We are calling it our “TINS Excellant Adventure”. TINS=Tom, Inez, Nancy, Sebastian.



Well, you can’t say they don’t have a sense of humor in Salzburg. Where else would you find an art installation of huge pickles?



A big fad here in Salzburg, and I understand all over Europe, is attaching locks to public fences. Done as a romantic gesture the locks have the names of couples written or engraved on them. The city then comes along periodically and removes them.



The town square is mostly empty because it is pouring rain and very cold.
We are in the Alps but the cloud cover is so low that we have not yet seen the mountains that surround us.



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A hurried trip around town shows us how rich in history and culture Salzburg is but it’s time to get in a shower and warm up. I did not bring clothes for this cold of temps!

2014-07-05T20:16:26+00:00 July 5th, 2014|