Victoria’s Surprise

It all started with a box. A stationery box.

I just couldn’t bare to throw it away when the cards were gone. It was so lovely.











Then came time for a birthday present.

Mini Me is turning 10 and she has her cherished doll named Victoria. They just happen to have the same birthday according to Mini Me.

Victoria is an 18 inch look alike doll.

But, Victoria doesn’t have her own bed and Mini Me makes her a very comfortable pile of blankets on the floor next to her own bed.

So…. the wheels are turning. How can I use this box in a design for Victoria’s bed?

Papa got busy with his table saw and I took on the rest.

He cut and assembled the frame. I painted it and got some foam to make the mattress. I found some fabric in my stash that would be perfect for a sheet over the foam.











I took some of the fabric that Mini Me had helped me snow dye,  got some coordinating fabric and made a quilt using piping on the edges.





















I found some drawer pulls that looked like diamond rings (every little girl loves big diamond rings!)











We attached the newly constructed bedframe to the headboard (stationery box)





















All we needed was a pillow to rest her head











And it is ready!!











Happy Birthday Mini Me and Victoria!!


2014-12-25T09:04:53+00:00 May 15th, 2013|