Bamberg is one of Europe’s largest fully intact old town centers. Immediately after we begin our tour we walk along the river and view “Little Venice”, a delightful row of period houses the feature overflowing window boxes of flowers.

Bridges criss cross the river to different areas of town, the Island district (the center of town), the Gardeners District and the City on the Hills make up the area as World Heritage. On the bank of the river sits a beer brewery, which is the former home of the local slaughterhouse who dropped it’s waste directly into the river.

Murals are painted onto the side of this building complete with three dimensional features (do you see him?)

A bridge passes through this building and the other end overhangs the river.

The Bamberg Cathedral, with rose gardens and rooftop views of the old city.

And the attached Old Court which had a wing that would acommodate visiting royalty.

Walking back to the ship we had an opportunity to view residential streets.

Back at the ship we cruise towards Wurzburg.